Monday, September 30, 2024

In Focus

Death in The Water: Systemic failures fuel boat accidents along River Niger

Under the calm skies of a late February evening in Patigi, Kwara State, over 60 people crowded into a small boat departing Etsungi ferry...

Nigeria plans franchises for community electricity

The Nigerian government says it is planning to allow power companies, known as DisCos, to sell rights to smaller firms in their operational areas...

Naira tumbles after brief rally as Nigeria dollar supply falls

The naira weakened Tuesday for a third straight day after a brief period of strength that saw it become the world's best-performing currency. The currency...

Sugar in Cerelac: Nestlé Nigeria admits “slight variations” amid outcry

Nestlé Nigeria is facing public backlash after a report said the company adds large amounts of sugar to baby foods sold in Nigeria and...

Nestlé ‘adding sugar to baby food in Nigeria and Africa, but not the West’

Nestlé is adding sugar to children food sold in Nigeria and other developing countries where regulations are lax, whereas products sold in developed countries...

